[Photo source : Pixabay]
[Photo source : Pixabay]

coffee chain's previous license holder said that it will not be renewing its twenty-year-old deal in a country where an ingrained coffee culture is making it a challenge for the world's largest coffee company to prosper.

According to a report by Reuters, fast-food group Restaurant Brands New Zealand Ltd. stated on Monday that it will let its license deal expire in October, whereas Starbucks will continue its operations under the Tahua Capital license which had acquired the permit for a price that sums up to NZ$4.4 million or US$2.9 million.

In a statement, the former license holder said that the coffee chain was "becoming less relevant to the company's overall direction." Restaurant Brands also said that it wants to focus on its core business of quick-service restaurant brands such as KFC and Pizza Hut.

Brian Gaynor, head of Auckland-based Milford Asset Management, said Starbucks was not able to deliver their expectations in New Zealand. "They had aspirations for it a long time ago when they acquired it first, and it's never been achieved because they're up against local competition from either individual coffee shops or local chains."

The sovereign island country has a vigorous coffee scene that made sheer competition for prime chains such as Starbucks, which first brewed its coffee in the country in 1998. The country is brimming with numerous small coffee shops that sell single origin espresso and drip coffee, while major roasting chains such as Mojo Coffee and Fuel Coffee are everywhere, even opening branches in China.

Restaurant Brand said the refusal to renew its deal with Starbucks, which have contributed less than 4 percent of the license holder's total sales and profits, was expected to cause an impact on the current year's net profit of around NZ$1.3 million, excluding non-trading items. Furthermore, the previous license holder said that Tahua Capital, established to buy the assets of Starbucks New Zealand, will be securing leases for Restaurant Brands' 22 Starbucks stores as well as employ all 300 existing Starbuck employees.

스타 벅스, 뉴질랜드 파트너 '레스토랑브랜즈'와 재계약 결렬

뉴질랜드에서 실적이 부진했던 스타벅스가 새로운 라이센스 파트너를 찾아 나섰다.

뉴질랜드 헤럴드는 KFC, 피자헛, 타코벨 등 미국 음식품 브랜드를 운영하는 뉴질랜드 주식회사 '레스토랑브랜즈'가 스타벅스와 재계약하지 않기로 결정했다고 보도했다.

레스토랑브랜즈는 "스타벅스가 회사 이익의 4% 이하를 차지하고 있다"며 "이번 퇴출이 올해 자사 순이익에 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대한다"고 밝혔다.

오클랜드에 위치한 밀퍼드 자산운용사는 "스타벅스는 소규모 카페와 토종 프랜차이즈 업체와의 경쟁에서 한 번도 레스토랑브랜즈의 기대를 충족한 적이 없다"고 분석했다.

한편, 스타벅스는 지난 2014년 호주에서도 85개 매장 중 61개 매장을 닫으며 사업을 철수했다. 현재는 브리즈번과 멜버른 지역 일부에 점포가 남아있다.

아시아 시장에 박차를 가하며 2013년 베트남 시장에 진출했으나 지난 5년 동안 38개 매장이 개설됐다. 이탈리아에서는 아직 1호점도 내지 못하고 있다.

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